The President and Executive Committee of the Geographic Regional Council, shall determine:


Nominations for election the office bearers:


This constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members of this Geographic Regional Council for Australia and New Zealand of the World Lebanese Cultural Union. Such a vote is to be formally conducted at any Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the following conditions:


1. The official language of this constitution is English. The Geographic Regional Council must also ensure the provision of an official approved Arabic translation and other languages, if agreed.      

2. This Constitution shall come into effect immediately once ratified.

3.Until such time as the Geographic Regional Council appoints its own Arbitration Committee, all decisions regarding any disputes, shall be undertaken by the Geographic Regional Committee and all decisions taken by the Council shall be final.

4. Where there is any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Constitution of the World Council, the terms of the Constitution of the World Council shall prevail (so that this Constitution shall always be in accordance with that document).

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