The WLCU being a Cultural and Philanthropic Institution not seek any material benefit
The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) Geographic Regional Council (GRC) for Australia and New Zealand is the exclusive affiliate of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU). The WLCU was established in Mexico in 1959, and is recognised as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO), associated with the Department of Global Communications (DGC), and accredited by ECOSOC of the United Nations. The WLCU is an independent civil institution, non-governmental, non-political, non-racial, non-religious, and not-for-profit organization, duly recognized as a representative of the Lebanese diaspora in the World. The WLCU being a cultural and philanthropic institution not seeking any material benefit. It is governed by its statutes and by-laws and these also govern all of its Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Only approved and recognized Chapters are entitled to bear the name of the State/City/Province of the country in which they are located along with its WLCU name.
The WLCU being a cultural and philanthropic institution not seek any material benefit
The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) Geographic Regional Council (GRC) for Australia and New Zealand is the exclusive affiliate of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU). The WLCU was established in Mexico in 1959, and is recognised as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO), associated with the Department of Global Communications (DGC), and accredited by ECOSOC of the United Nations. The WLCU is an independent civil institution, non-governmental, non-political, non-racial, non-religious, and not-for-profit organization, duly recognized as a representative of the Lebanese diaspora in the World. The WLCU being a cultural and philanthropic institution not seeking any material benefit. It is governed by its statutes and by-laws and these also govern all of its Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Only approved and recognized Chapters are entitled to bear the name of the State/City/Province of the country in which they are located along with its WLCU name.
“Geographic Regional Committee” (or “GRT”)
“Geographic Regional Committee” (or “GRT”) means the committee that is composed of each of the presidents of the State Council; the previous Geographic Regional Council Presidents; and the Previous Secretaries Regional.
“Geographic Regional Council” (or “GRC”)
Geographic Regional Council” (or “GRC”) means an administrative board elected by the Geographic Regional Committee.
Affiliate” or “Affiliated Organisation”
Affiliate” or “Affiliated Organisation” means a Legal Entity who is associated with the WLCU, but does not hold WLCU membership, is not registered with the WLCU and may not use the name or likeness of the WLCU without the express written consent of the WLCU.
“Legal Entity”
e- “Legal Entity” means any duly registered or incorporated corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, organisation, trust, association or other entity in good standing within its respective jurisdiction.
“Members at Large”
“Members at Large” means each member of the WLCU that holds a valid Membership Card and is otherwise in good standing with the WLCU.
“State Council”
“State Council” means the administrative Board that is composed of members in good standing, as elected by the Members at Large within the States.
Why join our community?
We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves.
Our impact
Influencing the way people, organisations, and movements think and act.
الرئيس العالمي للجامعة اللبنانية الثقافية في العالم روجيه هاني في زيارة للولايات المتحدة
الرئيس العالمي للجامعة اللبنانية الثقافية في العالم روجيه هاني في زيارة للولايات المتحدة من نيويورك وحتى لوس أنجلوس تحفيز الدعم للبنان زار الرئيس العالمي للجامعة
قداس الإلهي بمناسبة تطويب البطريرك اسطفان الدويهي
شاركت الجامعة اللبنانية الثقافية بالقداس الإلهي الذي اقامته جمعية سيدة زغرتا بمناسبة تطويب البطريرك اسطفان الدويهيوقد تمثل الوفد برئيس مجلس الامناء الشيخ ميشال الدويهي ورئيس
تكريمًا لأرواح شهداء المقاومة اللبنانية
شارك وفد من المجلس القاري لأستراليا ونيوزيلندا في الجامعة اللبنانية الثقافية في العالم،في الذبائح الإلهية التي أقامتها القوات اللبنانية في سدني بتاريخ ٨ ايلول ٢٠٢٤،