a. The Geographic Regional Committee (GRT) for Australia and New Zealand, is composed of each of the presidents of State Councils; the previous Geographic Regional Council Presidents, and the Previous Secretary Generals Regional.
b. The Geographic Regional Council (GRC) for Australia and New Zealand is to be elected by the Geographic Regional Committee GRT).
c. The State Council shall be composed of Members at Large and Chapters (Clubs, Associations, Leagues, Institutions and Federations). All persons who are in compliance with Articles [4] and [5] of the WLCU Constitution, whether a citizen or otherwise of Lebanese descent, married to a person of Lebanese descent, irrespective of whatever other citizenship they may hold, allows them to apply for membership of the WLCU.
d. The aforementioned Members of the Geographic Regional Council (GRC), shall formalise their membership by contributing to the administrative expenses of the Council, such sum each year as determined by the Geographic Regional Committee. A member shall not be entitled to their rights and privileges as a member, unless full membership fees are paid.
The Union includes the aforementioned members which are disseminated throughout all the States and Territories of Australia, the North and South islands of New Zealand, Fiji and all other islands and countries within the region of Oceania.
a. The Geographic Regional Committee for Australia and New Zealand shall elect the Geographic Regional Council, by electing a President; Senior Vice-President; Treasurer, and Secretary, which shall constitute the GRC.
b. The Geographic Regional Council elected by the Geographic Regional Committee may also include others who are not members of the Geographic Regional Committee
c. The Presidents of each of the State Councils are entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of Chapters and Affiliates that operate within their jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Regulations of the World Constitution. In the event there are no Chapters within a State Council, as the case may be, the State Council shall be entitled to only one vote in respect of all Members at Large, within that State.
d. If a State Council has not been formed then, any Chapter expressly affiliated with the WLCU in that State, shall be entitled to have one delegate only on the Geographic Regional Council.
e. If any member of the Geographic Regional Council or Geographic Regional Committee:
1. Is convicted of an indictable offense; or
2. Is bankrupt; or
3. Fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Constitution; or
4. Conducts themselves in a manner considered being injurious or prejudicial to the value and interests of the Geographic Regional Council;
5. then the GRT shall consider whether that person’s representation on the Council shall be terminated.
The person concerned shall be given a full and fair opportunity of presenting their case in writing within 14 days. If the Geographic Regional Committee resolves by the ordinary majority to remove that person, the Secretary-General on behalf of the Committee shall inform the person in writing of their removal from the Council.
a. The State Council is composed of Members at Large and Chapters.
b. An administrative Board of each State Council shall be elected by the members at large within the State. The Presidents of each of the Chapters within such territories, must be members of the State Council.
c. The administrative Board elected by the members at large within the State Councils for a term of two years, shall comprise a President, two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and an Executive Secretary, and other Members of the Board (as determined by the Board). Presidents of each of the Chapters within the State Council must be members of the Administrative Board.
d. The term of the President and all Board Members of the State Council, shall be for two (2) years, and are all able to stand for re-election at the end of the first term. The elected President may be elected for only two (2) consecutive terms.
e. The President is ineligible for re-election until two (2) years have elapsed following his or her re-elected term.
f. All Members at Large, as well as Chapters within each State Council shall comply with both the Mission and Objectives of the WLCU and be Committed to its constitution and internal regulations.
g. The Chapter shall be a legal entity, duly registered with the local statutory authority within its jurisdiction and have a minimum number of members of 21.
h. Each Chapter shall be required to expressly affiliate with the WLCU and shall be required to have a constitution and bylaws that are not in conflict with this Constitution or the Internal Regulations of the WLCU. Furthermore, as a condition of membership with the WLCU, each Chapter and each Member at Large, shall execute and be bound by an application, a memorandum of understanding, and a confidential agreement, the form of which shall be provided by the WLCU. Chapters shall further execute a licensing agreement.
i. Each Chapter granted a certificate of membership in the WLCU and accepting the same, thereby accepts, ratifies, and agrees to be bound by it, subject to it not being contrary to the law of the State or Country of its location. This includes the WLCU International Constitution and the Internal Regulations of the WLCU, and any amendments thereto, duly ratified.
j. No later than the last day of February of every year, or at least three months before the World Congress (whichever is the latter), each State Council and Chapter, shall submit the following to the Regional Secretary:
1. A Memorandum of Understanding signed by the directors or similar governing body for the entity;
2. A Current certificate of registration from the local government body in which the entity resides;
3. A Copy of the entity’s local constitution;
4. A Copy of the entity’s minutes covering the last 12 months;
5. A Copy of the entity’s financial statements covering the last 12 months;
6. A Copy of the entity’s latest bank statement; and
7. Proof of at least two activities conducted within a previous two-year period (corroborated by documentary evidence and social media) consisting of, but not limited to, publications, photos, Facebook events, flyers, newspaper and electronic articles, website links, or other media publicity. These may be submitted in either hard copy or electronic form evidencing the conduct of such events. At least one of the two activities, preferably dedicated, to support the UN and its activities.
8. Each State Council shall submit to the Regional Secretary the contact details, including physical address, phone number and email address. Similarly, each Chapter shall submit a list of its Members. A list of all Members at Large to be submitted by the State Council, including all required documentation indicating such members’ compliance with membership requirements.
l. Each State Council, as the case may be, shall pay its WLCU membership dues for an amount determined by the World Treasurer (which in no event is to fall below $1,000USD). This is to be paid to the World Treasurer (through the GRC Treasurer), on or before the last day of February of each year, or at least three months before the World Congress (whichever is earlier). In the event that such membership dues are not paid on time, the State Council will be deemed to be in default, and shall not be entitled to participate in the affairs of the WLCU and will not be able to practice its right at any World Congress, including but not limited to, the right to vote.
m. Each State Council, as the case may be, shall be required to maintain financial accounts to a standard sufficient, so as to enable an external audit to be conducted if required by the World Secretary-General, acting on the instructions of the World President.
n. Eligible Persons must apply for membership with the appropriate State Council, subject to the WLCU Constitution and bylaws. Membership of more than one Chapter or State Council is not permitted.o. Each Chapter or Affiliate shall pay a minimum of $100.00USD to the World Treasure as annual dues, no later than the last day of the month of February, unless the World Secretary General agrees to modify this term, at their discretion.